Application Form

Result of the RIASEC Test

S = Social

These people like to work with other people, rather than things. Good college majors for Social people are...

  • Counseling
  • Nursing
  • Physical Theraphy
  • Travel
  • Advertising
  • Public Relations
  • Education
Related Pathways
  • Health Services
  • Public and Human Services
E = Enterprising

These people like to work with others and enjoy persuading and and performing. Good college majors for Enterprising people are:

  • Fashion Merchandising
  • Real Estate
  • Marketing / Sales
  • Law
  • Political Science
  • International Trade
  • Banking / Finance
Related Pathways
  • Business
  • Public and Human Services
  • Arts and Communication
C = Conventional

These people are very detail oriented,organized and like to work with data. Good college majors for Conventional people are...

  • Accounting
  • Court Reporting
  • Insurance
  • Administration
  • Medical Records
  • Banking
  • Data Processing
Related Pathways
  • Health Services
  • Business
  • Industrial and Engineering Technology


We trust the following information will assist every prospective family and student in understanding our admissions procedures including all the necessary documentation required to process an application for admission

Personal Data*

Current address*

Physhical Disability (If)*
High School Result*

Secondary School Education Stream*

Subject* Mark*
Subject* Mark*
Training Program*

Field of Study (In order of your choice)*

Statement by the Applicant*

I hereby certfiy that all the information given above is complete and correct. I understand that in the event of deliberately given false information, I may be liable to dismissal from the center. If for whatever reason I am suspended, dismissed or withdraw from college, I cannot claim reimbursement if any fee paid. I undertake to abide by the rule and regilation of the college, including those of my department. I also herby deliberately observe the rules and regulation specially the fulfillment of tution fee in due date in conformity with the regulation of the centervand any other negligent act for which Iam leaglly bound.